24/25 Stadium Configuration

Following a period of consultation, Stoke City has confirmed its 24/25 season plans for the Caldwell Construction Stand, Licensed Standing and the south-east corner.  

Supporters who have been displaced from their current seat by the changes have been contacted by the Club directly and are now able to secure their spots in the Caldwell Construction Stand behind the goal at the southern end of the bet365 Stadium.  

Any displaced supporter who, for whatever reason, hasn’t received their direct communication from the Club is advised to contact the Ticket Office at tickets@stokecityfc.com or on 01782 367 599.  

Every supporter that took part in the consultation has the Club’s sincere thanks for their contributions, with the feedback provided playing a key role in formulating the ongoing Season Card rollout and execution of the plans.  


  • Friday 17 May: Deadline for supporters to renew their Season Card whilst reserving their existing seat, and for displaced supporters to select their spot in the Caldwell Construction Stand or elsewhere in the stadium. 
  • Saturday 18 May to Sunday 2 June: Season Cards to be taken off-sale for a two-week administration period. 
  • Monday 3 and Tuesday 4 June: Priority window for displaced supporters to select from available spots throughout the stadium following the release of unrenewed seats, ahead of general sale.  
  • Wednesday 5 to Friday 7 June: Priority window during which supporters who have purchased a 24/25 Season Card can switch to an available spot throughout the stadium (including the Caldwell Construction Stand) following the release of unrenewed seats, ahead of general sale.  
  • Monday 10 June: Season Cards in all areas on general sale. 



  • Home fans to take over the majority of the Caldwell Construction Stand at the bet365 Stadium, including directly behind the goal. Stoke City supporters will, as a result, be positioned on both sides of the tunnel.  
  • Primary away allocation moved to the south-east corner. 
  • Licensed standing introduced in the upper section of the Caldwell Construction Stand and the south-east corner. 

24/25 Stadium Configuration FAQs